Pre-Consultation Request Form
Pre-consultation pursuant to Planning Act ss. 22(3.1), 34(10.0.1), 41(3.1), and 51(16.1).
The ‘Pre-Consultation Meeting Request’ Form is required to be completed by the Owner(s), Applicants(s) and/or Authorized Agent(s) for the subject property. All information on this form, together with all supporting documentation and the associated fee as required per the current County of Brant Official Plan, Zoning By-Law and Site Plan Control Bylaw. The request for Pre-Consultation must be considered “complete” by the County of Brant prior to scheduling a meeting date. Information provided as part of a ‘Pre-Consultation Meeting Request’ private and confidential unless a formal request for release of the information is received through the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
What is a Pre-Consultation Meeting?
Prior to making a development application under the Planning Act, a Pre-Consultation meeting is encouraged. The Pre-Consultation meeting provides the Owner(s), Applicants(s) and/or Authorized Agent(s) with an opportunity to present and review the proposed development application with various County of Brant Departments and related commenting Agencies. The Pre-Consultation meeting will assist in identifying and discussing potential concerns, determining process, timelines, associated fees and the required information / materials required to be submitted with the formal application as part of a “complete” submission.
Meeting Dates and Times
Pre-Consultation submissions are circulated and reviewed by County of Brant departments and commenting agencies as deemed appropriate and based on the nature of the application. Meetings typically occur twice during each month to review a range of development application proposals. The Owner(s), Applicants(s) and/or Authorized Agent(s) will be notified of the meeting date and specifics once a request is deemed to be “complete”.
Comments and Meeting Minutes
Comments received as part of the internal / external circulation will be complied by the County of Brant and provided to the Owner(s), Applicants(s) and/or Authorized Agent(s) prior to the scheduled Pre-Consultation Meeting. The Comments Package will guide the discussion during the meeting and form part of the meeting record along with the Minutes. A copy of the final Meeting Minutes containing the formal submission requirements and next steps will be provided 2 weeks following the meeting date. Pre-Consultation Meeting Minutes and submission requirements determined are considered to be valid for up to one (1) year.
Applicable Fees and Charges
The ’Pre-Consultation Meeting Request’ fee will be identified as ‘standard’ or ‘scoped’ by the County of Brant. ‘Standard’ Pre-Consultation Meetings will require a full technical circulation to all applicable internal/ external commenting agencies identifying a range of technical studies, reports and plans to be prepared and submitted as part of the formal submission. ‘Scoped’ Pre-Consultation Meetings are intended for development proposals which are anticipated to be minor in type, size and scale, requiring a focused technical circulation and limited submission requirements. Please refer to the current County of Brant Fees and Charges webpage for current fee schedule.