Non-Recreational Residential/Agricultural Burning - Approval Required
Terms and Conditions:
All open air burning in the County of Brant is regulated by the County of Brant Open Air Burning By-Law Number 55-24.
21. Open Air Burning on lands zoned Residential or Agricultural, that does not meet the criteria in section 13, must be approved by the Fire Chief and conducted in compliance with the following conditions:
(a) the fire is located on land designated for residential or agricultural use in the County zoning by-law;
(b) the County of Brant Fire Department Dispatch is Notified in person or by telephone, before the burning commences;
(c) the County of Brant Fire Department Dispatch is Notified in person or by telephone at the conclusion of the burning;
(d) the fire is conducted no earlier than sunrise and shall be completely extinguished before sunset;
(e) only materials as set out in Schedule ‘B’, forming part of this by-law, are burned;
(f) the fire is attended, controlled, and supervised at all times;
(g) the fire is completely extinguished before the burn site is Vacated;
(h) the fire is conducted during appropriate weather conditions;
(i) the fire is confined to an area at least 15 metres from any building, structure, hedge, fence, vehicular roadway of any kind or nature, overhead wiring, or any property line;
(j) the fire is confined to an area at least 5 metres from any object or material with potential to ignite;
(k) steps are taken to ensure that smoke caused by the fire does not adversely affect the visibility of motorists using roads in the vicinity of the burn;
(l) the fire is contained in a Fire Pit which is no more than one square metre in area, with a height of no more than 1 metre when conducted on residential properties;
(m) the fire does not cover a ground area exceeding 9 square metres (amended by by-law 106-03) with a height no more than 3 metres when conducted on non-residential properties.
(n) steps are taken to ensure that the adjacent properties are protected and that by-products of the fire do not have a Negative Impact on persons, pets, or the environment;
(o) the burn is conducted in such a manner to prevent the escape of the fire or the escape of combustible solids such as sparks and ash from the fire;
(p) an effective extinguishing agent of sufficient size and with the capability of extinguishing the fire is immediately available for use;
(q) the fire is not located on any road allowance or Municipal Property without the written permission of the County, unless such burning is being conducted by authorized employees of the County of Brant or is for the purpose of clearing the County drainage ditches;
(r) a means to contact the County of Brant Fire Department shall be immediately available;
(s) is not conducted during a burn ban issued by the Fire Chief.